A video went viral of Dr. Rehan who is a physiotherapist selling soup in a small café. Rehan is currently doing his house-job and also running a café named ‘Hunger Games Café’ where he sells a bucket full of soup in just Rs. 150. The quantity and quality of soup are amazing. It is located in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi. He always had a mind for business so he’s pursuing it through this café along with his house-job. He wishes to continue both things ahead. Watch the video to know more about Rehan and his small business adventure.
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#Soup #SoupInABucket #SoupCafe #SoupCafeInKarachi #ChickenSoup #PrawnSoup #SoupWithVegetables #SoupWithEggs #SoupInWintersInKarachi #HungerGamesCafeInKarachi #BucketOfSoup #GulshaneIqbalKarachi #AffordableSoup